Conjectured Breaking of the Superluminal Quantum Correlations By Turbulent Fluctuations of the Zero Point Vacuum Field

F. Winterberg
1998 Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung A-A Journal of Physical Sciences  
AbstractIf the observed superluminal quantum correlations are disturbed by turbulent fluctuations of the ze-ro point vacuum energy field, with the turbulent energy spectrum assumed to obey the universal Kol-mogoroff law, a length is derived above which the correlations are conjectured to break. A directional dependence of this length would establish a preferred reference system at rest with the zero point ener-gy. Assuming that the degree of turbulence is given by the small anisotropy of the
more » ... mic microwave background radiation, a length of ~60 km is derived above which the correlations would break.
doi:10.1515/zna-1998-0803 fatcat:5f4ret4cmfhj3cqfs66cryk6lm