B-40 温暖地の高断熱・高気密住宅における冷暖房負荷に関する実大実験 : (その2)内部発熱・発湿再現下での冷房負荷とシェルター性能の関連性の検討
Full scale experiments for cooling and heating loads in superinsulated and airtightened houses located in a mild climate area.(Part2) Experimentally verification of seasonal cooling load cut and peak cooling load cut in super-insulated and air-tightened houses with full scale model

Kazuhiro MIYAMOTO, 小峯 裕己, 鈴木 智, 西郷 徹也
1996 Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan  
doi:10.18948/shasetaikai.1996.3.0_1025 fatcat:3muayanirveddhrmiuuixwwz3q