Improving Classroom Teaching Abilities with Pair Teaching Strategy in Higher Education: A Case Study in BIGC

Yong-Bin ZHANG, Li-Zhen YANG, Jian-Li CHEN
2017 DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science  
Quality of teaching in university has a great influence on students' learning and developing. Nowadays, studies on teaching strategies have attracted more attention, but practical methods to improve teaching abilities are not common. At the same time, most studies focused on how to improve teaching abilities in theory. Teachers need specific and practical methods to help them improve teaching abilities. Classroom teaching is one of the most important aspects in higher education. Therefore, this
more » ... paper aimed at providing specific implementation methods and recommendation guidelines to improve classroom teaching abilities. We introduced how to improve classroom teaching abilities with Pair Teaching strategy. According to feedbacks from both teachers and students, we got a conclusion that pair teaching can not only improve both teachers' classroom teaching abilities, but also increase students' learning output, which improves teaching effectiveness. The significance of the study was that we provided valuable guidance to improve classroom teaching abilities with pair teaching strategy, and we also demonstrated how to apply pair teaching strategy in C programming language in Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication as a case.
doi:10.12783/dtssehs/icss2016/9099 fatcat:jhlwb6rnknaclpfj66i47eub3q