Superiority for Agronomic and Yield Traits in Hybrid Rice Under Normal and Saline Conditions

hamdy El-Mowafi, ashraf Abd El-Hadi, said soltan
2018 Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Biotechnology  
Forty two rice hybrids were produced using six CMS lines and seven restorers following line x tester mating design. This study aimed to find out to the best hybrid combinations in respect of their superiority over the best inbred check variety, for agronomic and yield traits under normal and saline soil conditions.Hybrids with a yield advantage over the highest yielding check variety or over the hybrid check variety were considered as promising. Among 42 hybrid rice combinations evaluated ten
more » ... der normal soil conditions and eight under saline soil conditions were most promising with mean performance of grain yield ranging from 5.60 ton/fed. for 58025A/GZ5121R to 6.18 ton/fed. for IR69625A/Giza 178R (EHR1) under normal soil condition. Mean performance of grain yield of best promising hybrids under saline condition ranging from 3.22 ton/fed. for IR69625A/PR1 to 3.34 ton/fed. for IR69625A/GZ5121R. The yield advantage over best local check variety was ranged from 1.10 ton/fed. to 1.68 ton/fed. under normal soil condition and ranged from 0.28 ton/fed. to 0.40 ton/fed. under saline soil conditions. Standard heterosis (SH%) or superiority % estimates ranged from 24.44 to 37.33% under normal soil condition and ranged from 9.52 to 13.60% under saline condition for above mentioned hybrids. The hybrid rice combination IR69625A/GZ5121R recorded the highest yield over the best hybrid check variety EHR1 under saline soil conditions. * Measure of soil saturation. ** Measure of soil water extract 1:5.
doi:10.21608/jacb.2018.35148 fatcat:x6tab2irzjenhhglinmy2xk4ai