Results of testing varieties of winter triticale for 2019–2021 in the conditions of the north-eastern part of Belarus
Результаты испытания сортов озимого тритикале за 2019–2021 годы в условиях северо-восточной части Беларуси

Alexey Masterov, Ekaterina Lupova, Dmitry Karaulny, Evgeny Plevko
2022 АгроЭкоИнфо  
The total sown area of winter triticale in 2020 in Belarus amounted to 456 thousand hectares. New varieties carry new qualities that need to be studied and compared in specific soil and climatic conditions, to evaluate them in order to make a decision on the possibility of their zoning or culling. The evaluation of varieties was carried out at the SAI "Goretskaya Variety Testing Station" of the Mogilev Region of the Republic of Belarus. The studies were carried out according to generally
more » ... d methods of laying and conducting experiments. Agricultural technology of winter triticale recommended by modern technological regulations for the north-eastern part of Belarus. In total, in 2018–2020, 16 varieties of winter triticale were in variety testing. Average for 2019–2021 Compared to the control variety Dynamo, the variety IZS-3 showed itself better in terms of grain yield (+7.2 c/ha). On average, over the two years above, the yield was higher in the varieties Tadeus (+5.2 c/ha), IZS-5 (+7.0 c/ha), Tribonus (+6.0 c/ha) and Tikhon (+17.2 q/ha). According to the results of one year of testing, the yield of the control variety was higher in varieties IZS-6, IZS-7, Belkanto, Riparo and Rivolt. On the basis of competitive variety testing and assessment of ecological adaptability, it is possible to recommend the IZS-3 variety (Belarus) for inclusion in the State Register of varieties of the Republic of Belarus for cultivation in the conditions of the north-eastern part of Belarus. The varieties Tadeus (Germany), IZS-5 (Belarus), Tikhon (Russia) and Tribonus (Austria) should be recognized as promising. For further variety testing, varieties IZS-6 and IZS-7 (Belarus), Belcanto (Poland), Riparo (France) and Rivolt (France) should be recommended. Keywords: WINTER TRITICALE, VARIETY, COMPETITIVE VARIETY TESTING, YIELD STRUCTURE, PRODUCTIVITY, ECOLOGICAL ADAPTABILITY
doi:10.51419/202123334 fatcat:jtwhoakcybbprmxssx7kwgvksa