A influência da família no processo de alfabetização: um estudo de caso numa instituição filantrópica na cidade de São Paulo [thesis]

Danila Orbea Maggi
MAGGI, DANILA ORBEA. The family influence in the literacy learning process: A casestudy in a charity institution in the city of São Paulo. 2011. Dissertação (Mestrado) -Faculdade de Educação -Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2011. One"s literacy learning process, yet in our days, is something intriguing, fascinating and, sometimes, mysterious. There are a vast number of publications on this theme, however new questionings arise and mobilize new researches, new hypothesis. This research was
more » ... initially motivated by the intriguing questioning: Do children who daily live together with their families have more ease of learning during their literacy learning process? To answer this, the chosen path was to face the reality of a different classroom: located in a non profit charity institution, composed by children between five and six years old, on risk conditions. Some of them stayed at the institution during the whole week and came back home on weekends. Others stayed during the day and came back home at night. This institution was responsible for supplying their needs on many scopes: social, cultural, health, living, security and the most important: the educational scope, providing them with the necessary elements for their literacy learning favoring. The one school year length interaction with these children was enough to identify many actions and even establish some relations. In attempt to understand what was observed, theoretical support found on publications from Emilia Ferreiro, Ana Teberosky and Magda Soares, was sought, specifically in what relates to literacy learning process. Moreover, to comprehend the family"s concept, support was sought on Phillippe Áries, which demonstrates this concept"s historicity through an iconographic analysis, and on Françoise Héritier, which delineates the concept under the Anthropology"s view, demystifying the myth of "unstructured family", as well as Lévi-Strauss and "The elementary structures of kinship". To handle with the interaction among these two institutions, the main author was Vygotsky. After some matches and mismatches, it was possible to establish the relation among the two concepts and even find a new element: the functions that the family performs. This present work suggests new views and questionings on the family-school relation theme, without the pretension to exhaust it.
doi:10.11606/d.48.2011.tde-04082011-144024 fatcat:r3h7nibc5je75nza7y2c6fozyu