Double images from a single black hole

Shohreh Abdolrahimi, Robert B. Mann, Christos Tzounis
2015 Physical Review D  
In the simulations of the multi-black holes and merging black holes a larger primary image and a secondary smaller image which looks like an eyebrow and the deformation of the shadows have been observed. However, this kind of eyebrow-like structure was considered as unique feature of multi black hole systems. In this paper, we illustrate the new result that in the case of octupole distortions of a Schwarzschild black hole the local observer sees two shadows or two images for this single black
more » ... le, i.e., also an eyebrow-like structure. Presence of two images in our case is remarkable, as we have only one black hole, however, the observer sees two dark images of this single black hole.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.92.124011 fatcat:nwpq7ayq4rfpfmrlopltso4lf4