Roles of vitamins in the health promotion of the elderly

Kiyoshi Tanaka, Misora Ao, Akiko Kuwabara
but it increases the risk of various diseases including the ones commonly found in the elderly. In this article, we put on emphasis on the role of vitamins in the prevention of locomotive syndrome (LMS) including osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and sarcopenia. Furthermore, vitamin D has an additional role to maintain the skeletal muscle strength. Recently, the role of water-soluble vitamins in maintaining the skeletal health is acknowledged. 12, folate, or vitamin B6 causes hperhomocysteinemia
more » ... cy). HHcy has been demonstrated to be a risk factor for atherosclerosis. Additionally, HHcy is known to be a risk for fracture, since HHcy impairs the collagen cross-links in the bone. Recently, HHcy has been reported to impair the muscle strength and activity of daily living. In summary, vitamins can play important roles in the health promotion of the elderly.
doi:10.20632/vso.92.12_531 fatcat:tyjmitc7i5bxzk57syra3af24q