Emergence of a limit cycle for swimming microorganisms in a vortical flow of a viscoelastic fluid

A. M. Ardekani, E. Gore
2012 Physical Review E  
We propose that the rheological properties of background fluid play an important role in the interaction of microorganisms with the flow field. The viscoelastic-induced migration of microorganisms in a vortical flow leads to the emergence of a limit cycle. The shape and formation rate of patterns depend on motility, the vorticity strength, and rheological properties of the background fluid. Given the inherent viscoelasticity of exopolysaccharides secreted by microorganisms, our results can
more » ... st new mechanisms leading to the vital behavior of microorganisms such as bacterial aggregation and biofilm formation.
doi:10.1103/physreve.85.056309 pmid:23004864 fatcat:2clajwehz5hhxchfgq7w757aum