Developing Moral Sport Policies ThroughAct-Utilitarianism Based on Bentham's Hedonic Calculus

2010 Choregia  
Moral policy can be developed and maintained in sport organizations through an approach that incorporates act -utilitarianism (AU) based on Jeremy Bentham's hedonic calculus (HC). Sport managers' effective application of AU based on HC takes on the form of a holistic approach to moral policy development and maintenance and requires an understanding of the parts and process of a strict adherence to AU based on HC. The traits of common sense, habits, and past experience are supported by the
more » ... arian views held by Bentham and Mill to accurately predict happiness and unhappiness that result from actions (Beauchamp, 1982) and are also necessary to drive a holistic approach of AU based on HC that develops and maintains moral policy in sport organizations.
doi:10.4127/ch.2010.0051 fatcat:nygnzj2qwvac3cbql6dgnwnquq