Estereótipos e discriminação étnico-racial em e através dos livros ilustrados infanto-juvenis (Tradução)

Véronique Francis
2015 Revista Eletrônica de Educação  
Artigo Estereótipos e discriminação étnico-racial em e através dos livros ilustrados infanto-juvenis 1 Stéréotypes et discriminations ethnoraciales dans et par les albums illustrés pour la jeunesse Stereotypes and ethnic-racial discrimination in and by means of illustrated books for children and young people an analysis of some emblematic books and the comments about them, produced by the institutions of the book and reading, librarians, teaching counselors and teachers, particularly from
more » ... y schools. In fiction books, black children characters are usually associated with themes, toponyms, and objects. The body representations are notably partially or completely mute. The space representations are simultaneously limited and bounded by literary, aesthetic and plastic reasons. The themes, comments and references found in some books regarding others show the effects of stereotyping, prejudice and highlight ethnic-racial discrimination. The results of the study invite us to question the illusion of in-differentiation of white children's and black children's representations in the contemporary production of fiction books and show the importance of studying, besides the books, the voices that come with them, as they may -or not -influence our reading and, especially, our criticism.
doi:10.14244/198271991228 fatcat:wmqpaandxjfppcj3da75lfbn7m