Luck: The Everything about

IMH Muhammad Akil
2021 Philosophy International Journal  
Most of the mankind is divided into two extreme views between the fatalists and non-believers in luck. Both these views are extreme views as a Creation's luck appears to have two distinct components; one fixed component (scripted component) which is gifted to it by the Almighty at the time of its birth and second; a variable component (karma component) which could be cultivated by the Creation itself through its deeds by training of mind, planning of events, making preparations for the success
more » ... f events, using social situations, personal strengths and by developing requisite intentions to assist the Almighty in running His majestic show of managing the activities of Universe. This variable component depends upon the Creation's talent, capability of handling chance events, domain knowledge of the events, opposing forces, favoring forces and its capability to effect the change. The fixed component or the scripted component is dependent upon one's origin, lineage, place of birth, date and time of birth, race, religion, caste, creed, class, sex etc. The total luck at any given point of time will be the sum total of the two components at that point of time. It can be concluded that every Creation has been given freedom by the Almighty to choose its own luck by making amendments in its scripted or by birth luck gifted by the Almighty through the variable component.
doi:10.23880/phij-16000170 fatcat:mssscrjl7bh4lahzaucs6eh3re