The Effect of CTL Approach toward 4th Grade Students' Understanding on Matematics Based on Gender at Elementary Schools in Padang [post]

Firman - Firman
2018 unpublished
The problem of this research was the students had low understanding on Matematics. This problem was led by some factors. The factors were the low students involvement in a teaching-learning process, the unrelevant material to their daily life, and the less involvement to concept building during the learning process. The aims of this research were to explain: (1) the different Math understanding betwen the students taught by using CTL approach and conventional technique, in teaching Math for 4th
more » ... grade students of Elementary School in Padang, (2) the different Math understanding between male and female students of 4th grade of elementary school in Padang, and (3) the different interaction between teaching approach and gender in influencing Math understanding of 4th grade students of Elementary School in Padang.This research was Quasi Experimental Design research by using factorial design. The population of this research was all of 4th grade students of Elementary School in North Padang municipality. The sample gotten through random sampling were SDN 11 Lolong as the control class and SDN 13 Lolong as the experimental class, CTL was implemented; meanwhile, in the control class, conventional technique was implemented. Futhermore, the data of this research was collected through students' achievement sheet. Then the hypothesis was tested by using two ways anava. From the result of this research, it can be concluded that (1) there was no different on Math understanding between students' taught by using CTL approach and those who were taught by using conventional technique, (2) there was no different on Math understanding between male and female students, and (3) there was no significant interaction between teaching approach and gender in influencing Math understanding.
doi:10.31227/ fatcat:sbbrwctukvhkho67vi2majewue