One method for robust control of uncertain systems — Theory and practice [chapter]

George Leitmann
1996 System Modelling and Optimization  
We present a controller design methodology for uncertain systems which is based on the constructive use of Lyapunov stability theory. The uncertainties, which are deterministic, are characterized by certain structural conditions and known as well as unknown bounds. As a consequence of the Lyapunov approach, the methodology is not restricted to linear or time-invariant systems. The robustness of these controllers in the presence of singular perturbations is considered. The situation in which the
more » ... full state of the system is not available for measurement is also considered as are other generalizations. Applications of the proposed discussed in the complete version of the paper. Keywords uncertain systems; deterministic control; robust control; resource management *Throughout this paper, references are intended to be representative rather than exhaustive. For a more complete bibliography see (Leitmann, 1990 and ). J. Doležal et al. (eds.), System Modelling and Optimization
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-34897-1_6 fatcat:q2hq2zgvcjcplcxy7nwlvhrr6u