Sbírkotvorná a výzkumná činnost jako forma komunikace muzea s veřejností (na příkladu vývoje pravěkého oddělení Národního muzea)

Karel Sklenář
2020 Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae - Historia  
Based on the example of the Prehistory Department of the National Museum, the present paper examines two of the ways in which the Museum has communicated with the public from the time of its foundation to, basically, the present: through the activities of collecting and researching. In the case of collecting activities, the text outlines how the proportion of donations and purchases along with the Museum's discoveries evolved depending on social, political and, for example, legal circumstances.
more » ... In the case of research activities, it illustrates the significance of the overall context regarding the development of archeology and its institutional protection. An irreplaceable role in the whole process was, however, played by important personalities of the Museum's Archeology Department, such as J. L. Píč and J. Neustupný.
doi:10.37520/amnph.2018.012 fatcat:7hlsyoaosnhc3gzx3cqy2h32si