Synthesis, Vibrational Spectra, Mass Spectrum and Crystal Structure of Tri-n-butyltin Diphenylphosphinate (n-Bu)3SnO2PPh2

Abdel-Fattah Shihada, Frank Weller
1995 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
Tri-n-butyltin diphenylphosphinate (n-Bu)3SnO2PPh2 has been synthesized by the reaction of (n-Bu3Sn)2O with Ph2POCl in toluene. An X-ray diffraction study of (n-Bu3)SnO2PPh2 shows that the structure is polymeric and consists of helical chains in which (n-Bu)3Sn groups are linked by O-P-O bridges. The geometry about tin is trigonal bipyramidal, with n-butyl groups in equatorial positions and an axial O-Sn-O angle of 176.2 (2)°. IR and Raman spectra of (n-Bu)3SnO2PPh2 are given and assigned. The mass spectrum is reported and discussed.
doi:10.1515/znb-1995-0908 fatcat:lmyracn2vncqtnwzrrt2qxakb4