Acetalization of Cyclohexanone Over Transition Metals Modified Mesoporous Ceria-A Green Approach

Rose Philo K. J
2012 IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry  
The introduction and removal of protecting groups can play an important role in organic and natural product synthesis.The synthesis of dimethyl acetals of carbonyl compound such as cyclohexanone has successfully been carried out by the reaction between cyclohexanone and methanol using different transition metals modified mesoporous ceria catalysts. The strong influence of the textural properties of the catalysts such as acid amount and adsorption properties (surface area and pore volume)
more » ... ne the catalytic activity. We introduced a mild and selective reagent for the oxidative cleavage of acetals under aqueous and heterogeneous conditions.The stability, simple work-up and high yields of the products are among the advantages of this procedure which make it an attractive supplement to the present reported methods.
doi:10.9790/5736-0162431 fatcat:k2sme3vfy5acxcyh5gjtxk5vry