The Nanaimo Free Press [Monday, May 7, 1906] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
11 .'5 -J fhe^^immci Mw ■•TABUSMKO M7« vqlumb xmn. numbbr le B».AE«I11« INUHATI iiscraKC 0RX «<•««• *» «*• Mwscnact tttlMM. "g,lfcUI» keeping in nlmort n loet pM>pk> who feme from Scot, ^ ,1. m* henlret to «Jo«l with. fc, ,» the rr»wl..vteri»ii Hynod jfriiM Co!uml.l« nnd AlberU are only one youn» man and ^ have eiftnined their Intenlooking upon the .nlnietry a* ihtr* work." aflun la an alinoat univrmal rich, nnd real eatato gt deae to he gnined oa one oI tadlUagi 0l life " -IV hen* In the
more » ... an wewt h biaft with miny perito. Many imild IV apoa'le'a lint of ainn, ol dk* he Mid: That th«r wMch do Mbthince ehall not li.V-rlt tV t^dM of Cod -TV hofoe la a clUdel. If that la aaM nncceoafully. all la loot in lfe •f the Ian. the Chriatian congregatiaa ■< the community. The pro-Maw ol national and church life ae telwd by K, am of fundamental Im-The firet lending qw-atiun ertain the morality of tV trace Vfore meala. niul jimtnun for vered IhlngC, etc. The tee coaat PreWiyieritw give tV moa'i the Kootenay tUrkt agya aadiy that tbcae obaerm me ahaeot from tV bomea la. the baada of the famiUen young and are anvioua for ib-ir dWieo. but tVir cJealingn are not eaottgh la religious mattera. tram Hach-od that tV Intor-(omaa that Sabbath keepihg M a loat art. So. alao, it h tbM. b rMlgloua converaation. Thi tataiofter Prewbytory aajra, k»ww. that tv moral obltgntlona laid dow» aiit 'vry' gvn-rally attend •d V. aid bcLeoo la also abb to hi^ bvorably almut this matter •nwil Prcabyt.Tiani de|>lore tV •.hit i MCkn w ictcnai
doi:10.25316/ir-7362 fatcat:yjo3axknmbet7f6vaoko4azn5e