Peranan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Berbasis Teknologi Dalam Menyediakan Informasi Untuk Pengambilan Keputusan Manajemen Pada. PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. Divisi Winteq

Siti Harnengsih, Indupurnahayu ., Hurriyaturrohman .
2018 Neraca Keuangan  
<p>The role of accounting information system plays a role of providing<br />information about all activities of the company for its use, especially for<br />management and use it as a basis for decision making. The purpose of<br />writing this thesis is to determine whether the information system applied to<br />by PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. The Winteq division has really provided<br />accurate, timely, understandable and relevant information for management<br />in decesion making .<br />The type
more » ... f research that the authors use in this study is field research, ie<br />conducting research directly to the company. The data collection of this<br />research is done by direct interview with the user part that is the Deputy<br />Dept Head of Finance &amp; Administration by collecting data related to the<br />issues discussed. This research uses qualitative descriptive method in<br />analyzing data which will give clear and accurate description and answer<br />from the formulation of this research problem.<br />From the discussion of research results found that the accounting<br />information system At PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk. Winteq division has applied<br />technology accounting information system with good and adequate system<br />with integrated system quickly and precisely supported by good technology<br />hence management use output accounting information system for all kinds of<br />decision. This is evident from the availability of information that is needed<br />right when management needs it</p>
doi:10.32832/neraca.v13i2.2309 fatcat:3hrnyyjsljgwvlead2z5l2lwyi