Terahertz wire grid polarizer fabricated by imprinting porous silicon

Kenji Imakita, Takeshi Kamada, Minoru Fujii, Kanna Aoki, Minoru Mizuhata, Shinji Hayashi
2013 Optics Letters  
A terahertz (THz) wire-grid polarizer is fabricated by imprinting porous Si followed by oblique evaporation of Ag. We demonstrate that it works in a wide frequency region covering from 5 to 18 THz with the extinction ratio of 10 dB. The frequency region is much wider than that of THz wire-grid polarizers fabricated by conventional imprint lithography using organic materials. The result suggests that imprinting of porous Si is a promising fabrication technique to realize low-cost wire-grid polarizers working in the THz region.
doi:10.1364/ol.38.005067 pmid:24281511 fatcat:dhlqobfrs5fvfddfuy4dg2nssu