The Experience of a Pastoral Advocate and Implications for the Church [chapter]

Bryan N. Massingale
2014 More than a Monologue: Sexual Diversity and the Catholic Church  
and Keywords This chapter presents a critique-based on the chapter's author's own experiences as a university teacher, parish minister, and pastoral advocate-of the deleterious effects of what he calls "the pervasive climate of fear" and reactivity that surrounds even modest attempts at open conversation among Catholics about sexual diversity and the church. It suggest that this climate of fear is debilitating and dangerous, especially within a faith community charged by Jesus to "be not
more » ... " Left unaddressed, this fear has wide-ranging effects that threaten the well-being not only of LGBT Catholics but of all Catholics and indeed the very mission and identity of the church.
doi:10.5422/fordham/9780823256570.003.0009 fatcat:4pqzqd6cards5kiwt2bpwj57ge