Regional deposition of saline aerosols of different tonicities in normal and asthmatic subjects

P.R. Phipps, I. Gonda, S.D. Anderson, D. Bailey, G. Bautovich
1994 European Respiratory Journal  
R Re eg gi io on na al l d de ep po os si it ti io on n o of f s sa al li in ne e a ae er ro os so ol ls s o of f d di if ff fe er re en nt t t to on ni ic ci it ti ie es s i in n n no or rm ma al l a an nd d a as st th hm ma at ti ic c s su ub bj je ec ct ts s ABSTRACT: Nonisotonic aerosols are frequently used in the diagnosis and therapy of lung disease. The purpose of this work was to study the difference in the pattern of deposition of aerosols containing aqueous solutions of different
more » ... ities. 99m Technetium-diethyltriaminepentaacetic acid ( 99m Tc-DTPA)-labelled saline aerosols, with mass median aerodynamic diameter 3.7-3.8 µm and geometric standard deviation 1.4, were inhaled under reproducible breathing conditions on two occasions. Hypotonic and hypertonic solutions were used in 11 normals subjects, isotonic and hypertonic solutions in 9 asthmatics. The regional deposition was quantified by a penetration index measured with the help of a tomographic technique. There was a small but significant increase (6.7%) in the penetration index of the hypotonic as compared to the hypertonic aerosols in the normal subjects. The region that was markedly affected was the trachea. The differences in the penetration of the isotonic and hypertonic aerosols in the asthmatics appeared to be strongly dependent on the state of the airways at the time of the study. These findings can be interpreted in terms of effects of growth or shrinkage of nonisotonic aerosols, as well as of airway narrowing, on regional deposition of aerosols. Tonicity of aerosols appears to affect their deposition both through physical and physiological mechanisms. This should be taken into account when interpreting the effects of inhaled aqueous solutions of various tonicities in patients in vivo.
doi:10.1183/09031936.94.07081474 pmid:7957833 fatcat:jyyjmtjimnbkvcb7aunrii7xty