Coupling Between Adsorbate Vibrations and an Electronic Surface State

Eli Rotenberg, J. Schaefer, S. D. Kevan
2000 Physical Review Letters  
We report direct angle-resolved photoemission measurements of the coupling between the symmetric stretch vibrational mode of adsorbed hydrogen and a surface band on W(110). This coupling is manifested by the surface band being split into two branches at a binding energy comparable to the vibrational mode energy, as confirmed by observation of a dramatic hydrogen͞deuterium isotope effect. The electron-phonon coupling parameter l is found to be significantly larger than that for bulk W, and to be
more » ... closely related to the degree of surface localization of the surface state wave function.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.84.2925 pmid:11018977 fatcat:lft7zlc6vbbnrkgtbag62cm5b4