Isolation of Leptospira interrogans Hardjoprajitno from vaginal fluid of a clinically healthy ewe suggests potential for venereal transmission

A. Director, B. Penna, C. Hamond, A. P. Loureiro, G. Martins, M. A. Medeiros, W. Lilenbaum
2014 Journal of Medical Microbiology  
A total of 15 adult ewes from one flock known to be seroreactive for leptospirosis was studied. Urine and vaginal fluid were collected from each animal to test for the presence of leptospires using bacterial culture and conventional PCR methods. One pure culture of Leptospira sp. was obtained from the vaginal fluid sample of a non-pregnant ewe. The isolate was characterized by DNA sequencing of the rrs and secY genes, variable-number of tandem-repeats (VNTR) analysis and serogrouping, and the
more » ... olate was typed as Leptospira interrogans serogroup Sejroe serovar Hardjo type Hardjoprajitno. This report indicates the presence of viable Leptospira in the vaginal fluid of a ewe, suggesting the potential for venereal transmission of leptospires in sheep. Abbreviations: k, kappa test; MAT, microscopic agglutination test; VNTR, variable number of tandem repeats.
doi:10.1099/jmm.0.065466-0 pmid:24934563 fatcat:k7syfiftf5hyjnlxo2q7tmxyuy