Thermal-timescale mass transfer and magnetic CVs

Klaus Schenker, Graham A. Wynn, Roland Speith
2004 International Astronomical Union Colloquium  
AbstractWe investigate the spin evolution of the unusual magnetic CV AE Aqr. As a prototype for a potentially large population of CVs subject to a thermally unstable phase of mass transfer, understanding its future is crucial. We present a new definition of the magnetospheric radius in terms of the white dwarf's spin period, and use this along with numerical simulations to follow the spin evolution of AE Aqr. We also present preliminary SPH results suggesting the existence of a stable propeller
more » ... state. These results highlight the complexity of MCVs and may provide an improved understanding of the evolution of all types of CVs.
doi:10.1017/s0252921100001780 fatcat:d7jiaoeanvcdvdkg236tfk2hm4