Marking up a world

Eleanor G. Rieffel, Sagar Gattepally, Don Kimber, Jun Shingu, Jim Vaughan, John Doherty
2009 Proceedings of the seventeen ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '09  
The Pantheia system enables users to create virtual models by 'marking up' the real world with pre-printed markers. The markers have predefined meanings that guide the system as it creates models. Pantheia takes as input user captured images or video of the marked up space. This video illustrates the workings of the system and shows it being used to create three models, one of a cabinet, one of a lab, and one of a conference room. As part of the Pantheia system, we also developed a 3D viewer
more » ... t spatially integrates a model with images of the model.
doi:10.1145/1631272.1631507 dblp:conf/mm/RieffelGKSVD09 fatcat:cwbxaisl5zawtjakal6kolxdtm