Dose-response impact of a soluble fiber, NUTRIOSE®, on energy intake, body weight and body fat in humans

Laetitia Guérin-Deremaux, Marine Pochat, Cheryl Reifer, Daniel Wils, Susan Cho, Larry E Miller
2013 Global Epidemic Obesity  
Results from observational and intervention studies have shown that increased fiber intakes from different origins were related to positively impact weight management. The hypothesis is that a non-viscous soluble dietary fiber may influence anthropometric parameters and caloric intakes. Methods: This 9-week randomized, double-blind, parallel clinical study in 100 overweight adults in China, investigated the effect of different dosages of dietary supplementation with a soluble non-viscous fiber,
more » ... NUTRIOSE® on caloric intake, body weight, BMI and body fat. NUTRIOSE® is a glucose polymer resistant to digestion in the small intestine and largely fermented in the colon due to the presence of specific linkages. Subjects were randomized by body mass index and caloric intake, and then assigned to receive either placebo (orange juice) or 8 g, 14 g, 18 g, or 24 g/day of NUTRIOSE® mixed with orange juice (n=20 volunteers/group). Study products were orally consumed twice daily, three hours after breakfast (at 10 AM) and four hours after lunch (at 4 PM). Energy intake was assessed daily and anthropometric parameters were measured weekly. Results: In a comparison of time effects within the same treatment group, the NUTRIOSE® groups ate significantly fewer kcal at subsequent meals with differences noted as early as 2 weeks for the 24 g group up to a reduction of 394 kcal/day and as early as 4 weeks for the 14g and 18g groups. Body weight and BMI decreased significantly in the 14, 18, and 24 g groups. Body fat decreased significantly in the 18 and 24 g groups. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that a supplementation for 9 weeks with NUTRIOSE® significantly reduces energy intake, mean body weight, BMI, and body fat with a dose-response relationship.
doi:10.7243/2052-5966-1-2 fatcat:lssmgm7ojradhektcu7j6tgc3y