Generalized beam matrices III Application to diffraction analysis

Anthony A. Tovar, Lee W. Casperson
1996 Optical Society of America. Journal A: Optics, Image Science, and Vision  
In analogy with Huygen's wavelets a new method based on Gaussian beamlets is used to develop a conventional diffraction integral formalism for paraxial optical systems representable by complex 2 X 2 ABCD Gaussian beam matrices. This method, along with a new phase parameter transformation, is then used to produce a new diffraction integral for studying the propagation of light beams with arbitrary spatial profiles through much 'more general misaligned complex optical systems representable by 3 X 3 ABCDGH beam matrices.
doi:10.1364/josaa.13.002239 fatcat:falfy33vb5gh5c662x7gcbvadm