Mineral Nutrition and Quality of Maiz (Zea Mays L.) as Affected by Household Waste Compost, Poultry Manure and Inorganic Fertilizers

N. Hossain
2012 IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences  
A field experiment was conducted to study the comparative effects of household waste compost, poultry manure and inorganic fertilizer on mineral nutrition and quality of maize (Zeamays L.). There were ten treatments, one control and nine fertilizer combinations. In three separate treatments, NPK, household compost and poultry manure were applied alone. In three treatments, NPK and compost were used in different proportions. In three other treatments, NPK and poultry manure were combined
more » ... . The results indicated that compost alone significantly increased P, K, Ca and Mg in shoot and root at 30 DAS and at maturity as compared to control. Different treatments of compost in combination with inorganic fertilizers obtained higher P concentrations in shoot and root at maturity compared with control treatment. Poultry manure alone significantly increased N in shoot and root at 30 days after sowing (DAS); P, K, and Mg in shoot and root at 30 DAS and at maturity as compared to control. By increasing the proportion of inorganic fertilizer combined with decreasing amount of poultry manure showed lower concentration of P, K and Mg in shoot and root at both the stages as compared to poultry manure alone. Reducing sugar, non-reducing sugar and total soluble sugar contents in grains varied within the ranges of 4. 00-5.33%, 19.00-23.33%, and 23.00-28.67%, respectively. There was little difference in sugar contents among the treatments, although a relatively higher sugar was obtained with compost alone treatment.
doi:10.9790/3008-0324452 fatcat:oabiab6qfzcshbn4tp5cwme7ua