Analysis of Indexed-Guided Highly Birefringent Photonic Crystal Fiber Employing Different Cladding Geometries

AM Jouri, LM Simohamed, A Boudrioua, O Ziane, B Hassani, A Dadi
2015 Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences  
In this paper, a comparative study of three geometries of highly birefringent photonic crystal fibers (HB PCF) is presented. The proposed geometries are: V type PCF, Pseudo-Panda PCF and selectively liquid-filled PCF. Based on the famous Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method with the perfectly matched layer (PML) boundary condition, the simulations are carried out in the aim to find a tradeoff between the chromatic dispersion, the birefringence and the confinement loss. Key-word: photonic crystal fiber, high birefringence, FDTD.
doi:10.4314/jfas.v4i1.5 fatcat:nvmh5y67ajbkvatqjmfudwywaq