Diagnostics Agreement at Discharge from Hospital with Thoracic Pain in a Hospital Emergency Service

I. Garrido Cruz, M.A. Montilla Sanz, J.M. Sousa Vaquero, C. Barba, M.L. Menéndez Calle, T. Álvarez Segura, A. Caballero Oliver, E. Montero Romero
2001 Prehospital and Disaster Medicine  
low diagnostic and therapeutic complexity, and the stays are estimated initially at <3 days. We assessed age, gender, occupation grade, pathology by RGD, procedures, mortality, number of reentries, and medicament-taking. The data were provided by Clinical Documentation and Pharmacy Services of Virgen del Roci'o Universitary Hospital. Results: The number of admissions was 630, relative to 590 patients. The mean value for age was 75 years, and were predominantly female (59.3%). The mortality rate
more » ... was 9%. The distributions of attended pathology was: shock and heart failure, 26.6%; angina pectoris, 10.6%; COPD, 11.5%; complicated simple pneumonia, 2.6%; breathing problems (excepting infections, asthma, and COPD) with main complications, 7.8%; uncomplicated heart attack (IM), 1.6%; complicated IM, 2.6%; congestive heart failure and pulse-rate alterations with main complications, 2.6%; and others, 34.4%. The mean value for a stay was 4.3 days, and the percentage of stays longer than 15 days was 5%. These patients had a high consumption of global stay (26.5%).-These populations corresponding to stroke without family support, infected decubiti, retention of secretions and severe deterioration of patients with extenuating social problems. The hospital readmission rate was 3.2%. The resolution efficiency (discharge from hospital plus exitus) was 91.4%. The total cost of medicaments were 40,087e. Conclusions: The Short Stay Unit is a highly productive unit that can be improved by using adaptation admission and has a great potential for growth.
doi:10.1017/s1049023x00035263 fatcat:xrgfyzkdsjhdlhedfkjc72j5x4