Daggers and swords of early Sarmatian shape with ellipsoidal handles in Central Asia
Кинжалы и мечи раннесарматского облика с эллипсоидными рукоятями в Средней Азии

Sergei Ivanov
The article is devoted to distribution of phenomenon on a number of iron daggers and swords of early Sarmatian shape from Central Asia of special type of the handles having the ellisoid form. The highest concentration of similar bladed weapon is fixed in Tien Shan, but separate samples also are in Northern Bactria (the Southern Tajikistan) and in Fergana. Daggers and swords with similar handles are noted in the antiquities of early Sarmatian culture in the Southern Cisurals and Trans-Ural
more » ... s and also in the territory of the cultures of Scythian image of Sayan-Altay. The chronology of bladed weapon with similar handles is kept within the IV-III centuries and is the reliable chronological indicator for monuments from which its samples are known.
doi:10.31551/2410-2725-2018-4-1-166-176 fatcat:wp2gnlrdqbgzznfzlycmtslcve