Effects of pollination on floral attraction and longevity

Wouter G. van Doorn
1997 Journal of Experimental Botany  
be due to the greater attention that has been paid to the effects of ethylene. Nonetheless, the possibility The end of a flower's attraction to pollinators may be remains that endogenous ethylene has a role in chandue to a range of visible cues such as permanent ging perianth form and colour in addition to signalling flower closure, a colour change, and withering or the occurrence of pollination. abscission of the petals. Floral attraction may be reduced by pollination. Pollination-induced
more » ... usion Key words: Ethylene sensitivity, flower closure, flower of floral attraction is often due to a colour change or longevity, pollination, petal colour, petal wilting, petal to flower closure. This may or may not be followed by withering, petal abscission. a reduction in floral longevity, defined as the time to
doi:10.1093/jxb/48.9.1615 fatcat:jcix2qwqtjerjgrhqgbvagcnbu