A Durable, Screen-Printed Sensor for In Situ and Real-Time Monitoring of Concrete's Electrical Resistivity Suitable for Smart Buildings/Cities and IoT

Marios Sophocleous, Pericles Savva, Michael F. Petrou, John K. Atkinson, Julius Georgiou
2018 IEEE Sensors Letters  
This paper shows initial experimental results on the utilization of a low-cost, screen-printed resistivity sensor in concrete, with the aim of monitoring concrete moisture content in real-time. The sensor was tested in two different concrete types, one with high-absorptive aggregates (5.1%) and one with low-absorptive aggregates (1.0%). Initial experimental results show a significant correlation of the sensor's response and the moisture content of concrete, with the sensor being capable of
more » ... nguishing between different concrete types by their different drying rates. The sensor recorded very similar resistivity rates as those found in the literature with modelled sensor outputs of ρ=45.86+109.7+ln (t) and ρ=0.691+8.11*ln (t) for low-absorptive and high-absorptive mixtures, respectively. This sensor features the ability to be easily integrated in a structure management system employed within smart buildings and smart cities. These correlations of concrete resistivity with water content can provide vital information regarding key properties of concrete whose monitoring may contribute to more durable structures by the implementation of preventative maintenance rather than reactive maintenance.
doi:10.1109/lsens.2018.2871517 fatcat:cr6xssj2vnclrfqq4gzh7iv2tm