The role of self-organization during confined comminution of granular materials

O. Ben-Nun, I. Einav
2009 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences  
During confined comminution of granular materials a power-law grain size distribution (gsd) frequently evolves. We consider this power law as a hint for fractal topology if self-similar patterns appear across the scales. We demonstrate that this ultimate topology is mostly affected by the rules that define the self-organization of the fragment subunits, which agrees well with observations from simplistic models of cellular automata. There is, however, a major difference that highlights the
more » ... ty of the current work: here the conclusion is based on a comprehensive study using two-dimensional 'crushable' discrete-element simulations that do not neglect physical conservation laws. Motivated by the paradigm of self-organized criticality, we further demonstrate that in uniaxial compression the emerging ultimate fractal topology, as given by the fractal dimension, is generally insensitive to alteration of global index properties of initial porosity and initial gsd. Finally, we show that the fractal dimension in the confined crushing systems is approached irrespective of alteration of the criteria that define when particles crush.
doi:10.1098/rsta.2009.0205 pmid:19948553 fatcat:ltxfreoxmzg6rlij4vfp5jicaa