SOLE (Self Organized Learning Environment) Method Applicability in Simultaneous Education [chapter]

Gabriel Cramariuc, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, Oana-Alisia Harpă (Apopei), Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania
2021 Trends and Prospects of the Education System and Educators' Professional Training Development  
Contemporary education is characterized by the means of self-education. These are becoming more common every day: information technology and the Internet are helping students by giving them new opportunities to gain knowledge. The teacher gradually loses his role of teaching the subject, becoming a guide whose role is to guide students' steps through the «tunnel of knowledge». He will be in charge of organizing the students' work and supervising them. This paper illustrates how self-organized
more » ... arning activities, performed in a form accessible to children, can stimulate the development of creative and critical thinking, imagination and shaping features characteristic of their personality development: curiosity, involvement, collaboration, autonomy. This paper aimed at the effectiveness of using the SOLE method in the educational process on students of grades I-IV integrated in multi level class at Vlădnicuţ Primary School, Vânători commune, Iaşi county. In this paper we followed both the cognitive side and the behavioral-attitudinal side of children. The results of this study reveal the positive impact of the SOLE method on students and recommend the use of self-organized activities in the classroom.
doi:10.18662/978-1-910129-28-9.ch019 fatcat:4pt2i4rsqbalhkertmbxqexgoq