Hydrodynamic and Mass Transfer Study in a Mechanically Stirred Hybrid Airlift Bioreactor Based on Impeller Type

Sérgio S. de Jesus, Aline Santana, Rubens Maciel Filho
2014 International journal of chemical Engineering and Applications  
The analysis of the influence by the impeller type in a stirred hybrid airlift bioreactor was performed in relation to the gas holdup, and mass transfer. The comparative study was performed using three-bladed marine and Lightnin A310 (axial flow impellers), and six-bladed Rusthon turbine and six-bladed Smith turbine (radial flow impellers). The experiments were conducted using distilled water at 25 0 C and a constant rotation velocity of 800 rpm, as well as in the absence of agitation (airlift
more » ... ode); the superficial gas velocity varied from 0.0157 to 0.0262 ms -1 . The gas holdup and oxygen transfer coefficient was higher with the use of radial impellers; however, the mechanical power input required while using radial impellers is 730-1400% higher than with axial impellers. Index Terms-Axial Impeller, hydrodynamics, mass transfer, radial impeller, stirred airlift bioreactor.
doi:10.7763/ijcea.2014.v5.348 fatcat:ay3rcq7lb5hgjdzdrxa2xv25ru