Model Inversion Of A Two Degrees Of Freedom Linearized Puma From Bicausal Bond Graphs

Gilberto Gonzalez-A, A. Ignacio Rodríguez-, Dunia Nuñez-P
2012 Zenodo  
A bond graph model of a two degrees of freedom PUMA is described. System inversion gives the system input required to generate a given system output. In order to get the system inversion of the PUMA manipulator, a linearization of the nonlinear bond graph is obtained. Hence, the bicausality of the linearized bond graph of the PUMA manipulator is applied. Thus, the bicausal bond graph provides a systematic way of generating the equations of the system inversion. Simulation results to verify the calculated input for a given output are shown.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1084427 fatcat:rjybuddjyffzzhvqu3qbblmmci