A Survey Paper on Authentication for Shoulder Surfing Resistance for Graphical Password using Cued Click Point (CCP)

Monali Pawar, Prof. Mate G.S, Soni Sharma, Sonam Gole, Snehal Patil
2017 IJARCCE  
In today's world authentication plays a vital role. The most common method used for authentication is textual password. There are various limitations for textual passwords, they are exposed to shoulder surfing attack however strong textual passwords are tough to memorize. Shoulder surfing and hotspot attack are two main problems in graphical passwords. So as an alternative Graphical Passwords are introduced to resist the Shoulder surfing attack. In order to address the above mentioned attacks
more » ... e new scheme highlights cued click point (CCP), Using graphical password as input and grid lines for image point verification. The objective of this system is to provide security using normal login and graphical password. This system can be used in the field such as banking application, military application, civilians, forensic labs, etc.
doi:10.17148/ijarcce.2017.6150 fatcat:2mevniccd5eqvmuxomr4jpd3qy