Probabilistic relationships between strain range, stress range and loading cycles. Application on ASTM A969 steel

Paul Dario Toasa Caiza, Thomas Ummenhofer
A B S T R A C T Fatigue life estimations can be made by considering the -N or -N curves. Reliable estimations allow engineers designing save stress levels in structures or machines. In this paper, the Weibull distribution is combined with the Stüssi function to model the quantiles of the -N and -N curves and the Ramberg-Osgood relationship. The nonlinear Stüssi function offers a good geometric approach to model the relationship -N or -N and the Weibull distribution is the most adequate to
more » ... lifetime magnitudes as load cycles N. To show the application of the proposed model, simulated and experimental data of ASTM A969 steel are evaluated.
doi:10.5445/ir/1000123484 fatcat:az5r5uyzwveytgxmzhhzrvhzwy