Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of the Synchronous Mechanism of High-Speed Machine Tool Protective Cover with Joint Clearance

Tian Xia, Yihao Zhao, Qi Mu, Jianbin Guo, Yao Zhan
2021 DEStech Transactions on Materials Science and Engineering  
The synchronous mechanism is the driving part of the machine tool guide rail protection device, which makes the relative speed of each cover sheet the same, which can well reduce the vibration and noise generated by the machine tool protection device. In high-speed operation, because the gap in the hinge pair of the synchronous mechanism has a great influence on its movement accuracy, this paper establishes a multibody dynamics model of the synchronous mechanism of the high-speed machine tool
more » ... ide rail guard based on the Hertz theory, and uses ADAMS to The dynamic simulation analysis of the synchronous mechanism of the clearance shows that the pin near the joint between the worktable and the cover has the greatest influence on the motion accuracy of the synchronous mechanism. At the same time, the speed of the pin is analysed under different clearances. The transformation law of acceleration, contact and collision force of the kinematic pair with clearance and its influence on the performance of high-speed machine tool guards.
doi:10.12783/dtmse/ameme2020/35522 fatcat:iyaiz7mqfzeaxewxr5uqupyfpu