Microcolony detection in thin layer culture as an alternative method for rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical samples

Pedro Eduardo Almeida da Silva, Fernanda Wiesel, Maria Marta Santos Boffo, Andréa von Groll, Ivo Gomes de Mattos, Glória Mejia, Jaime Robledo
2007 Brazilian Journal of Microbiology  
Tuberculosis remains one of the major causes of mortality worldwide. The early detection of new cases is an important goal in the program of tuberculosis control. Several methodologies for rapid and accurate laboratorial diagnosis have been developed, however, some of these techniques are expensive or cumbersome, making their implementation in low-income regions unfeasible. In this study, the thin layer culture method was compared with conventional culture method and it was observed that it
more » ... ides earlier results and a presumptive species identification, being adequate alternative method for rapid laboratory diagnosis.
doi:10.1590/s1517-83822007000300007 fatcat:azxngf2zbvefbkrqtlryx3gyva