تقنیات التهجین فی تصمیم الخطوط الطباعیة العربیة

محمد حازم عبدالله
2019 مجلة الفنون والعلوم التطبیقیة  
More than ever before, emerged Arabic type designers have the chance to share ideas and knowledge with European, and American colleagues. With the claim traditional letterforms can't fulfill the modern global demands, the legibility and readability shaped the core discussions about the future of Arabic typography. The discussion is closely linked with different interpretations for the meaning of hybridization of Arabic type. The first point of view explained hybridization as adjusting tool,
more » ... e Latin typographic rules applied to Arabic typeface and known as matchmaking . (Smitshuijzen-AbiFares, H. 2007, 18) The second based on creating two scripts like the Latin and the Arabic simultaneously and upon unified structure and known as bilingual. Others understood hybridization as an invitation to rediscover own heritage by using old grids or traditional letter-components of archaic styles like Naskh or Kufi, as bases for new typefaces. However the three interpretations seem to be contradicted in their aesthetical and economical functions, but from micro perspective, they complement each other, and enriched the contemporary Arabic typographic language. The relativity-limited number of research that focused on clarifying the variations of hybridization concepts and techniques in Arabic typeface design, create difficulties and inconsistency by graphic design courses and practice. The main objective of the paper is to clarify to graphic design students and emerged Arabic typeface designers how to choose freely the adequate method for creating new fonts, which can fulfill contemporary demands, such as website, mobile applications, street signage, TV captions, and printed body text.
doi:10.21608/maut.2019.101072 fatcat:7iscno2cdre23mmmape4wpcwhe