Occurrence of tayras (Eira barbara Linnaeus, 1758) with anomalous coloration in Cerrado remnants in the state of São Paulo, Brazil

Vitória M. Scrich, Marcella C. Pônzio, Nielson Pasqualotto, Thiago F. Rodrigues, Roberta M. Paolino, Adriano G. Chiarello
2019 Biota Neotropica  
Abstract: Coloration anomalies are mainly genetically-based disorders in which body pigmentation is either reduced (hypopigmentation) or produced in excess (melanism), in parts or the totality of the body. Cases of hypopigmentation have been documented in many neotropical mammals, including the tayra (Eira barbara Linnaeus, 1758). We expand the account of anomalous coloration occurrence presenting new registers of hypopigmented tayras in Brazil. Data was collected during a mammal survey carried
more » ... out in three agricultural landscapes within the Cerrado domain in the northeast of the state of São Paulo. We obtained two kinds of records of hypopigmented tayras, one from direct sighting and the other from a camera-trap. We discuss the likely implications of this conspicuous coloration to tayras and highlight some possibilities of study.
doi:10.1590/1676-0611-bn-2018-0680 fatcat:w6yavjyh6jf4rkwdssmfechczy