Muhammad Ardiansyah Arifin
2022 Mimbar Hukum  
A form of private security contractor exists for maritime security called Private Maritime Security Company (PMSC). PMSCs are not abundant in maritime law scholarly discourse. This underappreciation happens despite the importance of PMSC in Malacca Strait that conducts its services in the jurisdiction of the three littoral states of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Hence, this research article will find out the legal frameworks of the PMSC industry both in the international regime and
more » ... ian regime and the legality of PMSC business in Indonesia. The method used in this research is normative legal research method with statute approach, historical approach, conceptual approach, and comparative approach with sources from secondary sources which include but are not limited to primary legal sources and secondary legal sources. The result from this research highlights the existence of an international non-binding legal framework for PMSC and a legal framework for PMSC in Indonesia. However, there are legal problems concerning the status of passage and PMSC compliance with domestic laws. A recommendation for a legally binding multilateral treaty about PMSC would be a start to increase the legal certainty of PMSC business internationally. At the same time, a domestic regulation in Indonesia that has specific scope in PMSC would allow PMSC business to be better regulated and grown in Indonesia as a legitimate sector. Abstrak Sebuah bentuk keamanan swasta untuk keamanan maritim disebut Private Maritime Security Company (PMSC). PMSC kurang dibahas dalam wacana ilmiah hukum maritim. Kurangnya apresiasi ini terjadi meskipun PMSC di Selat Malaka sangat penting dalam menjalankan tugasnya di wilayah hukum littoral states yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, dan Singapura. Oleh karena itu, artikel penelitian ini akan menganalisis kerangka hukum industri PMSC baik di hukum internasional maupun hukum Indonesia serta legalitas bisnis PMSC di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian huku [...]
doi:10.22146/mh.v34i1.3958 doaj:78104133ab6c46da8402af577ecbc9ba fatcat:b4e2h6rzxnhnxix7etowtix37u