Augmented Reality in Cultural Heritage: An Overview of the Last Decade of Applications

Răzvan Gabriel Boboc, Elena Băutu, Florin Gîrbacia, Norina Popovici, Dorin-Mircea Popovici
2022 Applied Sciences  
Augmented reality is a mature technology that uses the real world as a substrate and extends it by overlaying computer-generated information. It has been applied to several domains. In particular, the technology was proven to be useful for the management and preservation of Cultural Heritage. This study provides an overview of the last decade of the use of augmented reality in cultural heritage through a detailed review of the scientific papers in the field. We analyzed the applications
more » ... d on Scopus and Clarivate Web of Science databases over a period of 9 years (2012–2021). Bibliometric data consisted of 1201 documents, and their analysis was performed using various tools, including ScientoPy, VOS Viewer, and Microsoft Excel. The results revealed eight trending topics of applying augmented reality technology to cultural heritage: 3D reconstruction of cultural artifacts, digital heritage, virtual museums, user experience, education, tourism, intangible cultural heritage, and gamification. Each topic is discussed in detail in the article sections, providing insight into existing applications and research trends for each application field.
doi:10.3390/app12199859 fatcat:wam7njytdfdgrfhrtb5xpwpnii