Finite-time Average Consensus Control of Multi-agent Systems Based on the Aperiodically Intermittent Control

Yiping Luo, Junling Zhu
2022 IEEE Access  
This study investigates the finite-time consensus problem of multi-agent systems under an aperiodically intermittent control. By designing an appropriate control protocol, the whole control process can be divided into two states, namely, the continuous communication time period and the interrupted communication time period. These two control states are aperiodic. Then, according to the designed control protocol, the appropriate Lyapunov function is constructed using the segmented state
more » ... on. Subsequently, the corresponding state model of the multi-agent system is introduced, and the relevant conditions for the consensus of the multi-agent system under an aperiodically intermittent control are obtained using norm inequality and the corresponding properties of the Kronecker product. After determining the consensus of the general model, the nonlinear term and uncertainty term are added, and the consensus is realized using the control protocol. The control method presented in this research can avoid continuous communication, and the aperiodic control process is more in line with the relevant needs of the actual project than the periodic control process. As a result, the proposed method can effectively reduce energy consumption and fit actual projects. Finally, the effectiveness of the theory is proven via numerical simulation.
doi:10.1109/access.2022.3149278 fatcat:sfauqcvkwnbutadxhmkiizelka