1885 Brain  
WM. GIBBONS, set. 35. Admitted into hospital May 6th, 1885. Family history, good. Previous medical history, very good up to twelve years ago, when he contracted syphilis; since that time he has been troubled by secondary symptoms, and has been very intemperate. Condition on Admission.-Patient was a well-nourished muscular man, looking rather more than his actual age. Had a distinctly alcoholic appearance; and also showed signs-of acquired syphilis, i.e. had a faint cicatrix on the glans penis ;
more » ... amygdaloid glands in both groins, and a copper-cojoured cicatrix of an ulcer over the middle of the anterior surface of the left tibia. Complained of having had fits for three weeks previous to admission, gradually getting more severe and frequent. Had also nocturnal headache for two or three years previous to the present attack, much increased in intensity during the three weeks previous to admission. Patient localised the pain to the right side of the head, over the parietal and frontal regions. Patient had.fits every quarter to half hour, lasting about two or three minutes. These fits were peculiar in character, exhibiting the following phenomena :•-When attacked, patient threw his head back suddenly from
doi:10.1093/brain/8.3.413 fatcat:fskb6wqnqfhbnhfbpauslop544