Electron-Neutron Detector Array (ENDA), Status and Coincidence with the LHAASO Detectors

Bingbing Li, Shu-Wang Cui, Tian-Lu Chen, Danzeng Luobu, D.A. Kuleshov, K.R. Levochkin, Mao-Yuan Liu, Ye Liu, Xin-Hua Ma, Cong Shi, O.B. Shchegolev, Yu.V. Stenkin (+4 others)
2021 Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2021)   unpublished
Hadrons are the "skeleton" of extensive air shower (EAS). They possess favorable information concerning the cosmic ray components and energy. The electron-neutron detector (EN-detector) can detect both electrons and thermal neutrons generated by EAS hadrons in surrounding matter. The electron-neutron detector array (ENDA) was proposed to add into the LHAASO project to improve its capability of EAS hybrid detection. Up to present 64 EN-detectors have been produced and are running in China. In
more » ... 8, a cluster (16 EN-detectors) was installed at Yangbajing (YBJ), Tibet. In 2019, another cluster, so called ENDA-16-HZS, was installed in LHAASO at Haizishan (HZS), Daocheng, Sichuan. Besides, 2 clusters are tested at Hebei Normal University (HNU). ENDA-16-HZS is running and get amount of EAS events at energy above 100 TeV. Moreover, a number of coincident events between ENDA and the LHAASO electron detector (ED) and muon detector (MD) arrays composed the KM2A, as well as Cherenkov detectors WFCTA and WCDA are obtained. The events with cores falling into ENDA are selected. The ED array and ENDA accurately offers the EAS directions and the core positions respectively. Both the lateral distributions of neutrons, electrons and muons and the longitudinal development of atmospheric Cherenkov lights are effectively sampled. A hybrid detection of EAS including thermal neutrons, electrons, muons and Cherenkov lights can provide a strong capability of cosmic nuclei discrimination as well as energy measurement with high resolution. In this talk, the status of the clusters at the different places are summarized, and the preliminary results of coincident events between ENDA and the LHAASO array are presented.
doi:10.22323/1.395.0188 fatcat:fm7dxrhlafctphkfvd5hcdahmi