A Study on the Driving Force Related to the Revision of the National Curriculum of Korea

Sahoon Kim
2021 Asia-pacific Journal of Convergent Research Interchange  
The national curriculum in Korea is proposed by the Ministry of Education, which has legal authority. In this regard, it is difficult to access public documentation that includes the development process. The purpose of this study is to identify the driving force of curriculum development. To this end, the curriculum revision process was presented through intensive data collection, analysis and expert advice. As a result, first, curriculum revision was carried out through the Ministry of
more » ... n in almost all institutions except for the Curriculum Council, a legal institution. Second, the driving force of curriculum revision was greatly influenced by the outside world. Third, research on curriculum revision was led by national institutions such as the Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation(KICE), but in the latter half, individual professors at universities took the lead. Based on these results, this study proposed a new organizational model for curriculum revision.
doi:10.47116/apjcri.2021.08.25 fatcat:4z3lh577fbfebbxdolmpmb2uwq